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Trip to Kimberton 2015 - Day 3, 4 and 5

Day 3 – Mon. April 27

By Jan Zdzieborski

When we first got to the school everyone was looking at us like were would be mosters. Then we got to the library and we had some integrating exercises. Then we had a main lesson, after that we had music lessons, we were throwing balls and introducing ourselves to each other. Then we practiced the song we will sing at Beaver Run in front of the American students. Then we had gym class and we learned how to juggle. After lunch we went shopping, different people bought different things.

Day 4 – Tue. Aprl 28

By Maja Jadachowska

Our day started with a train ride into Philadelphia (the time when most of us tested our new selfie-sticks). After we got to Philadelphia we tried to find a Starbucks since everyone had a craving for Ice Coffee. We couldn’t find any with out long lines, so we went to the University of Pennsylvania were we had a snack at the student canteen. Then we stared a short tour of the campus. We visited the Penn Museum where we had chance to look at different artifacts, mostly from the ancient Egyptian times. We had a workshop where we learned all about the job of conservators at the museum. Then we had lunch and we met with a former Primus student who is a a freshman at Penn. He gave us advice about schools in both Poland and America. He let us ask all kinds of questions about Penn. Overall the day was in my opinion on of the best days so far. Not only was it fun, but it gave us an idea of what university is like.

Day 5 – Wed. April 29

By Zuzanna Dzikowska

On the fifth day of our trip to USA we have spent all day at the Kimberton School. The first lesson was gardening. We met Mrs. Martin who took us on a tour around the school garden. We saw many species of eatable plants, which are used in school cafeteria. Then we made our own jam out of dandelions. We ate it with salted pretzels. Next Americans taught us how to play softball, which turned out to be a big challenge. After lunch we became teachers and we taught the Kimberton student Polish. It was great fun.


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